Have you ever want your art to be up here? Well, now’s your chance! E-mail your picture/drawing of your poptropican at

http://www.erlindatellez@gmail.com! And I will post your art RIGHT in this VERY page!

Here is my picture!

These are my wallpapers. I found the backgrounds in www.google.com

These are my wallpapers. I found the backgrounds in http://www.google.com

I am in a bubble.

I am in a bubble.

By: Cheerful Goose

By: Cheerful Goose

Cheerful Goose wallpaperCheerful Goose wallpaper 2

My VERY own comic.

My VERY own comic.

This is Tii's art! Grade: A+This is Tii’s art! Thank you, Tii!

Thank you!

Thank you!

24 Responses to “Goose Art”

  1. E-mail Your art at http://www.erlindatellez@gmail.com! (It didn’t highlight up in that post.) Your art can be up here too!

    1. zanygamer Says:

      Okay. Love the picture!

    2. zanygamer Says:

      I like your picture!!!!!

    3. zanygamer Says:

      Hi Cheerful Goose! Nice art!

      1. The e-mail you’ve sent me about you commenting, I saw your art and I thought that it was SO cool! 😆
        So I decided to add it!

      2. zanygamer Says:

        Thanks…..I put it up on Poptropica Updates like a month ago. I got more if you want! 😀

      3. zanygamer Says:

        How do you do those?

      4. zanygamer Says:

        I mean those awesome backgrounds. How do you put your poptropican there? Is there some kind of program? That is so cool the way you put it.

        Cheerful Goose: Thanks! I go to http://www.google.com and searched for “beautiful backgrounds” and I went to http://www.poptropica.com and I went on top of the chat room in astro knights, took a picture, and I put it in paint, colored the background (it’s easy, you just need to color line after line.), and put it there, when m poptropican’s teeth were colored, I colored them white again, and I put it, posted it and there! You’ve got it! 😉

      5. zanygamer Says:

        Oh. I’ll try it! 🙂

  2. Speedy Crown Says:

    I cant email peeps unless they email me first. But I have some art to show you! You have to email me first though. 😦

    1. zanygamer Says:

      You can email me.

      1. zanygamer Says:

        And I’ll send it to Cheerful Goose and give all the credit to you because you made it. 😀

      2. Insane Crown Says:

        Thanks Tii!

      3. zanygamer Says:

        You’re welcome.

  3. Sparkle Star/Green Seal Says:

    I love how you’re winking in that wallpaper and how you added those bubbles! Great art!

    1. Thanks! Your in my blogroll!

      1. zanygamer Says:

        Cheerful Goose can I copy your idea for an art page? I’ll give credit to you.

        Cheerful Goose: Sure!

      2. Sparkle Star/Green Seal Says:

        Uh, Zany Gamer, I believe it was my idea first… :/

      3. zanygamer Says:

        I asked you too. I’m so sorry….. 😦

  4. zanygamer Says:

    Hey, Cheerful Goose!!! Check your email! I sent you some pics!

    1. I added it! I added one… 😦 It was too much for me…SO I PICKED THE BEST ONE! 😉

      1. zanygamer Says:

        It’s okay!!! Thanks for adding it anyway!

      2. zanygamer Says:

        It doesn’t really actually matter………….I just randomly sent those.

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